Alternative medicine

In many cases, alternative medicine or complementary medicine can be a good supplement to conventional medicine. We support your use of these treatment methods and introduce you to time-tested home remedies.

Zitronenmelisse gegen Fieberblasen. Unser Hausmittel Tipp

Household remedy: lemon balm

Lemon balm has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, soothing effect and can help treat cold sores.

For cold sores
Brennessel gegen Haarausfall. Unser Hausmittel Tipp

Household remedy: nettles

Thanks to its ability to stimulate blood circulation, nettle tea can be used as a hair rinse to combat hair loss.

For hair loss
Akupressur: Wie es die Heilmethode auf den Punkt bringt


Acupressure is a traditional Chinese therapy that works in a similar way to acupuncture.

Thumbs, not needles
Lavendeltee gegen Kopfschmerzen. Unser Hausmittel Tipp

Household remedy: lavender tea

Lavender oil, tea or bath essence can alleviate nervousness, sleep disorders and headaches, and soothe irritated skin.

For headaches
Rosmarin gegen Müdigkeit. Unser Hausmittel Tipp

Household remedy: rosemary

Warm temperatures and sunshine can make you feel rather sleepy. A rosemary bath in the afternoon is invigorating.

For fatigue
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