Pickled beetroot with pumpkin: here’s the recipe


We all know pickled gherkins. But how does pickled beetroot taste? And how healthy is it?

Recipe: Pickled beetroot with pumpkin

Typical pickled vegetables include gherkins, red cabbage, onions and peppers. Less well known is pickled beetroot. But the dark red root packs a punch and contains many vitamins and minerals.


150g beetroot, peeled
150g pumpkin, peeled

Ingredients for the stock:

100ml white wine vinegar
300ml water
10g salt
30g elderflower cordial


  1. Cut the pumpkin and beetroot into slices and put them separately into two jars.
  2. Bring the stock to the boil and pour it hot over the vegetables until everything is covered with liquid.
  3. Let everything cool down and store well covered in the refrigerator.
  4. The pickled vegetables are ready after one day and will keep in the fridge for about three to four weeks.

Make the dressing

30ml stock from the pickled beetroot
30ml white balsamico
20ml water
a little mustard
60ml rapeseed oil
60ml olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp elderflower cordial

Blend everything with a blender and mix in the oil at the end.

Preserving food

Pickles are a great way to preserve vegetables and use them after the season is over. Storing them in liquid with salt and vinegar protects them from spoiling.

Are pickled vegetables healthy?

Pickled and fermented vegetables usually still contain many vitamins. In addition, the lactic acid bacteria produced during the fermentation process are said to benefit our intestinal bacteria and help build a healthy microbiome. Critics have reservations about the high salt content of pickled vegetables, but we usually only eat them in small quantities anyway. Besides, opinions vary greatly as to whether salt even has a damaging effect at all.

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