
People often don’t notice how important sleep is until they’re not getting enough of it. We’ll help you get to sleep and stay asleep.


Problems sleeping?

Herbal sleep aids are calming, yet not addictive.

Discover plants

Not enough sleep

Our perception of our sleep quality is more important than how long we sleep.

To the consequences
Schlafprobleme: Wie Blaulicht den Schlaf beeinflusst

Avoid blue light

Mobile devices next to the bed make it harder to fall asleep and disturb sleep quality.

Helpful tips

Sleep cycle keeps us healthy

Five stages of sleep make up the nightly cycle: vital for resting and learning.

Discover stages of sleep

Sleep better

People who practise sport sleep better. On the other hand, too much sport can have the opposite effect.

Optimise your sleep
Schlafhygiene: Tipps für ungestörte Nachtruhe

Undisturbed night's sleep

Good sleep hygiene with a few rules and rituals can work wonders.

Read our tips

Power nap

Just a ten- to twenty-minute power nap is sufficient to feel revived.

Find out more
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Whether it's motivation, concentration, relaxation, sleep or soothing sounds: free exercises with the active365 app.